Saturday, December 27, 2008

The science and technology behind the Subliminal Body Sculpting System

This is a specially designed software application that sits on your Windows desktop (not for Mac computers). It quietly delivers safe, positive and unobtrusive affirmations to your mind, directly from your computer's screen. You won't even be aware of it as you continue to work on your computer, and it won't affect any other programs that are running, or slow down your system in any way. The positive affirmations that are sent to your sub-conscious are simply statements of intent, such as...

● I enjoy exercising

● I am full of energy

● I eat only healthy, low fat foods

● I stay positive and focused all day long

Due to the speed at which they're delivered onto your computer screen, your conscious mind will merely be aware of a slight flicker. Your eyes will not see the actual messages but your sub-conscious mind, which is responsible for changing your habits, will see the messages and instruct your conscious mind to act on them. You've often heard people say, "it's all in the mind". Well it is!

Your brain is a powerful machine that has the capacity to absorb, store and recall thousands of fragments of information each and every day. Each day you're mind is exposed to more than 100,000 thoughts, which will influence your decision making abilities, your beliefs, your ideas, your character traits and even your core values.

It's time to take control of your conscious mind by allowing your sub-conscious mind to reshape your body.

Every day, at work or at home, you'll benefit from the positive, self-inflicting statements of belief that have been specifically programmed to be implanted deep into your mind. What's more important is, you'll see the changes in your mirror and you'll see it in the faces of people by their expressions.

And remember! The Subliminal Body Sculpting System is 100% safe to use and has NO adverse effects. The only side effect of using this software is that you'll be able to more easily build the body of your dreams.

Reality check!!!

The Subliminal Body Sculpting System will not make you taller or shorter or carve away bone structure. It can't perform liposuction or surgically perform implantations. It's a safe, non-surgical means of helping you reduce your body mass gently and is totally painless. It's a true alternative method that helps you take control of your mind - which controls every action you take.

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